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Alita turns 100!

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Diversicare client Alida turns 100 today and she says she owes it all too eating sauerkraut!

Born on the 22 November, 1917, Alida, who is Dutch, migrated to Australia in 1969 with her husband and two sons.

The family had spent 10 years previously living in Canada and three years in the United States before finally settling ‘down under’.

Alida has experienced a lot of milestone events in her long life and she says she is lucky to have lived in such a wonderful welcoming country.

Alida has lived in the same house for the last 40 years and with the support of her children and the care provided by Diversicare, Alida is able to continue to enjoy living at home.

Alida says she will celebrate her centenary later today with her two sons, two Grandchildren and six great Grandchildren at a local restaurant.

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