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National Launch of Speak My Language Program

Minister for Ageing and Indigenous Health, the Honourable Ken Wyatt AM, MP launched the national Speak My Language Program in Canberra on Wednesday, 22 August 2018. As the Queensland project partner, ECCQ’s CEO Garry Page and Program Coordinator Tracey Porter attended yesterday’s launch. This new program, funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Dementia and…

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Speak My Language

Speak My Language is a new program that provides information about healthy ageing to culturally and linguistically diverse seniors. The project harnesses the strength and scope of community radio to inform CALD communities about the Commonwealth’s aged care system. Through simple in-language conversations on-air, the project assists senior member s of our communities to understand…

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NDIS – we are here to help you

From the 1 July, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) became available in the Brisbane region.  Diversicare is registered as a NDIS service provider since September 2017 and has over 29 years of experience helping people with disability and health conditions.  We have been in contact with our Queensland Community Care Services (QCCS) consumers to…

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Improving outcomes for people from CALD backgrounds in aged care policy development and service delivery.

The Minister for Ageing, Ken Wyatt, recently announced the extension of the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care (PICAC) program for a further 12 months.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank Minister Wyatt for the continuing recognition of the value and achievements of the PICAC program and his ongoing support.  The PICAC program…

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Diversity in Aged and Community Care Professional Development Forum

The Multicultural Advisory Service, Diversicare is organising its inaugural forum in Toowoomba on 6th June 2018. There is a great line-up of speakers covering a range of sectors – Aged Care, Disability, CALD, LGBTI and Dementia. It promises to be a day of information, interaction and networking. For registration, contact: Anyuon Liai – mas.westmoreton@diversicare.com.au Mobile:…

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